Take the Effort

out of marketing.
With AI.

Bring customers to your door easier, faster and
cheaper. With fully automated marketing it's so
easy, you won't need a marketing team.

Limited Beta spots available

Sleek Preview Hero image

Take the Effort

out of marketing.
With AI.

Bring customers to your door easier, faster and
cheaper. With fully automated marketing it's so
easy, you won't need a marketing team.

Limited Beta spots available

Desktop preview

Marketing is hard.
It doesn't have to be.

Automate all of your marketing work in one platform with Sleek.
Connect your marketing accounts and then let the power of AI do the rest.
Better results with less work... pretty sweet, right?

Image of a dark man sitting with an order form

You're losing

$19 out of every $20 spent on marketing doesn't
generate you revenue. Let's change that.

Less work & better
results? Hell yeah.

Get more and better customers with
Sleek's automated marketing. It's easier,
cheaper and faster.

Image showing multiple integrations to external SaaS platform

Sleek works
where you do.

Seamless integration to your CRM, website, social media and assets. One-click setup for all your accounts. Say goodbye to multiple platforms.

Image showing multiple integrations to external SaaS platform
Image of someone upset about their marketing


Founder at Team Together

Image of someone upset about their marketing

Carolina & Tim

Founders at Troopr

Image of someone upset about their marketing

Tobias & Jonathan

Accountants at Techonomics

What are you waiting for?

Join hundreds of
business owners
like you.

Big marketing,
for small teams.

The marketing and sales muscle of the biggest companies,
now in the hands of small businesses like yours.

Questions? 🤔

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any more questions.